Saturday, July 31, 2010


Where do our paychecks go?

I'm sure we could list off the usual: rent/mortgage, food, clothes, fun, etc. Still, those don't entirely answer the question. Where does our money go after purchase? Does it go back to our schools, our jobs, and our neighborhoods? Or does it go overseas? Does our spending money go back to our region, or does it go across the continent to a parent company CEO?

This blog investigates Oregon based and Oregon founded companies, restaurants, brands, stores, and entertainment. Each business is rated on a star system, one star for each of the following categories: being founded in Oregon, being based in Oregon (i.e. corporate headquarters, factories, etc) and giving back to Oregon in charitable actions.

Buy Oregon: Save Oregon is about investing in your neighbors and your family's future.

This isn't just a blog; it's a movement.

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